I have really not been very good at taking pictures. I am so sorry.
But, really, this is just an update on Ike.
After we went to clinic to check on his liver, everything looked great! His ANC was a little low, but other than that, he looked great.
Which leads to today.
Today, we had clinic once again. December has been the month of appointments. And I know once this baby is born, there will be more.
Our day began with a CT scan this morning at 7:30 a.m. to check on his blood clot. I didn't mention a lot about it, because it has left me sorely disappointed in the past.
Ike had to be sedated. So being 9 months pregnant, my Mom came with to handle Ike.
We were warmly surprised!
Although the IV part was screaming as usual, he woke up rather pleasant today! That made things a little easier! I had them draw labs before they did the CT in hopes that our day would be a little shorter.
His ANC was over 2000 again, so up his chemo went. Sigh. I just hate that. We are now taking a whole 6MP every day and 8 Methotrexate once a week. This is with one year left of maintenance. We also had some issues with the IV, which left us getting a total of 3 pokes today. This is never fun. My ears are still ringing from the screaming. And I know my heart is still hurting watching my son be pinned down. I really hate that part.
We got some great news.....
Although his clot is "unchanged", we no longer have to give Ike shots daily! I almost passed out when they told me this!
Also, I am sure completely due to all your relentless prayers, IKE HAS BEEN EATING!
I love what my Mom says: "Ike told me he was hungry, and I have NEVER heard him say that!"
We are only eating a few things, but I am ok with that. Let's just say I make a TON of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! And I do it happily!
We also have not had any complaints about his legs hurting! My heart could not be more full.
And now, onto the countdown. 12 months. One year. Then we will be done with treatment. They will monitor Ike for a total of 5 years, but only 3 1/2 years of treatment. I am not going to lie. I can't wait.
I can't wait for my life to not revolve around pills, remembering to refill scripts, and questioning ever thing that is wrong with him. And I am sure that Ike can't wait for no more pokes!
So, although many things happened at Christmas, that post will wait for another day.
Today I relax. I sit and PRAY for Jordyn to hurry up and get here. I watch as my son acts like a total boy, and wait for the day for things to be normal. Whatever that is!
So, Adios!