Friday, October 11, 2013

Another long one, so let's jump right in!

I had mentioned about Isaac's friend, Isaac who finished his treatment.  We went to his "No more chemo party!"

Lots of treats, great conversation, and best of all.  The greatest celebration!  YAY Walker family!  We couldn't be more excited for you!

We have been outside as much as we can!  I want to soak in as much fresh air as possible before it gets too cold.  We have been taking Jordyn out as well.  She LOVES being outside!  She doens't cry when we set her in the grass, and of course, everything goes in her mouth!

I think she likes dirt?!

And of course, the other kids like being outside as well.  Just not eating dirt!  Possibly playing in it though!

I also stole some photos from Jacob's phone.  He had some great ones of Ike's first day of school!

Fall always inspires me to bake.  Which means only one thing.  COOKIES!  I love watching the kids create.  Laney is actually getting very good!  And Jordyn, well, she just likes to lick the frosting bowl!

I am sure you all saw this picture already, but Jacob was trying to make Gabby eat her dinner.  I think she won.

Ike is my child with a love for all technology.  He was listening to music on my phone and he knows how to get to the camera.  And, well, I got some great self portraits!

We also got to babysit baby Owen!  I always laugh because I spend most of the time keeping my kids from loving him TOO much!  He doesn't seem to mind the harassment.  Ike took some pictures of me and I was laughing at what was going on in the background.  It looks worse than it really was.  Gabby was just hugging him.  Although in the pictures he looks like he is being mugged!

And Jordyn.  What a GREAT baby!  She is getting her two front teeth and is just miserable.  But always quick to smile!  She will be 9 months next week!

Sorry some are blurry!  Jordyn does not sit still well!

Laney is adjusting to school.  Her teacher has very strict rules, and that has been very good for Laney.  We finally had our first week without her ending up in trouble.  Everyday she tells me how she hates the work, but loves school!  I think it really helps that her cousins go there as well!

Ike is also adjusting to school.  We are trying to figure out how he will act with taking steroids. 
It seems by the end of the steroid pulse, he is just tired.  So we are thinking of keeping him home that day.  Only three more months of worrying about that!  January 14, 2014 could not come soon enough!

Gabby is LOVING her few hours alone three times a week.  We work on her writing and speech.  The speech is coming along, but still a bit difficult to understand at times.  But her fine motor is crazy good!  I guess each kid has their strengths!  Gabby turns 3 next week!

Joyful Jordyn is just that.  Joyful.  She waddles around the house exploring everything!  Her favorite thing to do is hide.  Behind chairs, under blankets, and in rooms by herself.  

She cries a little when it is time to go to bed.  And that is about it when it comes to whimpering!  She is crawling and getting up on her knees  Not quite pulling her self up yet.  But, I am ok with that.  She can stay this age forever if you ask me

And that is pretty much life at the Quist house!  

Until next time!

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