Tuesday, August 28, 2012

This is my first year of having a child "in-school".  Laney did do pre-school.  And that was pretty rough on me, but she really wasn't gone for very long!

This year she will be going all day.  This comes with many mixed emotions.  I'm terrified of un-leashing her on some teacher.  Laney has a beautiful heart, and is not mean in the least bit.  But she is INCREDIBLY strong-willed and impulsive.  For example.  In pre-school.  She didn't care that she was put on yellow.  So, they gave Laney her own time-out chair.  Her response?  "That's ok.  I'll just play with my friends when I'm done!"  And remember how kids are usually better for other adults than you?  Yah, not with Laney.  If she could be with me 24-7, she would be.  Sometimes I wonder if some of this stems from Ike getting sick.  There is really no way to tell. And even if that is the case, we need to nip it in the butt!

Second, I really do love having her home!  As much as I want to pull my hair out sometimes, the thought of someone else taking care of her if she has a hurt heart makes me sad.

Third, I can't wait for the break!  Maybe I will really miss her when she is gone.  But, she could use a good dose of "learning to appreciate your Mom!"  I'm hoping school will bring about an appreciation for how much I do for her.  And the amount of patience I practice on her! I hate even saying that.  But, it's true.

So, I have been feeling VERY overwhelmed.  I have never done this, "enrolling your kid in school" thing.  Lots of running around and paperwork.  All with kids in tow.  Which is super exhausting!  Plus, I don't even really know what to get her!  I bought her a back pack and a lunch box.  Now what?  

And I am thanking God for providing once again.  Laney skipped size 6 and went right into a size 7.  And I had NO CLOTHES for her.  This is not an exaggeration.  I was shocked when I started to go through her clothes!  Thankfully, I have some amazing cousins who passed down ALL their girl clothes to me!  Laney's drawers are full, and she has changed her clothes at least 15 times in 2 days!  We are all set for the school year!

And last but not least, Laney's "first" real hair cut!

About a year ago, I could not stand brushing Laney's tangled mop.  So, I put it in a pony-tail, and cut it off.  Without her knowing!  So, to say it was uneven is an understatement!

So, yesterday, after much convincing that her hair would grow faster and as long as Rapunzel's, we got a real hair cut!

This one is blurry, but totally Laney right now!

And the end product!

Ariel bangs, and soon to be Rapunzel length!  (Yes, this is what I told her!)

She looks so old!  Here is to your first real year of school Laney!  Thanks for all the hands on training!

And that my friends, is it for now!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

You know, I really want to be one of those people that update A LOT!  There is nothing I love more than a blog that I follow that updates a lot.  I am trying!  Really!  My heart is to update often!  And boy, this one is going to contain A LOT!

I wanted to start today with something I read that REALLY inspired me!

"Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary.  What we need is to love without getting tired."  -Mother Teresa
 I read this, and immediately began praying.  Praying that I would not grow tired throughout the day loving my children.  As cruel as that sounds, I am patient up until about 5:30 ish, then everything goes to crap.  I'm tired, the kids are tired.  And there is 3.more.hours. until bed time.  I just want to quit.

Also, in relationships.  How often do we grow weary of walking with people through their trials?  I am learning I don't have to be a super hero.  Just be there.  Sometimes I can't because there must be order, and my family is the most important thing I will ever "do" in my whole life.  But, so many people are just waiting for someone to ask how they are doing.  No, how they are REALLY doing.

I have a best friend.  And I think everyone needs one.  This best friend did not just "happen".  We didn't grow up together.  Well, physically, we DID grow up together.  But we did not talk AT ALL!  (which seems ridiculous because she is my cousin!)
  This relationship has grown over time.  Literally 9 years!  This investment has paid out quadruple!  And I pray a best friend for everyone.  I never grow weary of her trials and her in mine.  Nor have I grown "tired" of her.

I also belong to a bible study that, not coincidentally, has been meeting faithfully for over 9 years!  This is another investment I have NEVER regretted making. The friendships I have and had made have changed my life in ways no one can explain!  Walking through pain into triumph with these women has been such an honor!  Like Joyce Meyer says, "The greatest testament to Jesus' goodness is a life transformed."  This could not be more true!  Thank you!  To all you girls who have been a part of "the bible study!"  And here is to forever walking with you all!
Well, that is my rant for today.
Update on Ike:
He is doing GREAT!  We are still working on eating, but this last clinic visit, his numbers were the best I have EVER seen!  So good, they increased his chemo.  Which I hate, but am thankful he is feeling so much better!  Jacob took him to his last appointment, as I needed a break.  So, I do not have many details.  Men.  Always full of things to say...... SO, anyways, from what I gathered.  They got him in one poke, and everything went well.  Our next appointment is a spinal.  Which I am praying this one goes better than last time!
Random side not.  While on steroids, he was CRAVING broccoli cheese soup FROM Panera!  He had gone 2 days without eating ONE thing!  So at 8:15 at night, I packed him up in his jammies, and we ate at Panera!

I'm glad my children love Panera as much as I do!

Ok.  Update on everyone!

One random day, I got a random knock at my door.  And lo and behold.  Jacob's old bandmates!  One I have not seen in like 12 years!  Now, I would not normally take a photo.  And really, I didn't.  But Laney did!

 It was REALLY great to see these 2!  It has been SO LONG!  Surprised Jacob as well!

We also spent a day out in the rain!  Laney was sobbing because it had been raining "FOREVER!"
So, out in the rain we went!

During this rain, I had the pleasure of joining my sister and her friend Stephanie for UNITY festival!  It was amazing!  Steven Curtis Chapman, Mandisa, Needtobreathe, Building 429, Matthew West, and Matt Maher.  All people I wanted to see before I died!  

Jamie is doing very well!  My mom is making her walk every day.  She is off a lot of her meds.  And some other MAJOR prayers have been answered!  We are praising God for her life!

This past weekend, I had the best weekend of my life.  NO JOKE!  I was blessed beyond measure in so many ways!  Let's just say, good friends, shopping, NOT COOKING, NO CHILDREN, oh and Joyce Meyer!  I only got ONE picture.  Bummed.  But, it was amazing.  I like overnights away.  Now, Jacob would paint a different picture!  But I loved it!
Thanks girls for an AWESOME time!

We also had the pleasure of the Rodriguez family at our house!  And my basement turned into a giant fort!  Thanks Jennifer!

And last but not least, Gabs.  She is so naughtily cute!  I have to MAKE myself punish this bucket full of smiles!  Here she is being ridiculous cute and REALLY naughty!

Can someone else come and punish her please?!  I just can't take it!

Every time I look at this child, I see Jacob!  Huge mouth and all!  All my kids are beautiful to me, but at this age, any child looks so super cute!

Whew!  That was long!  I hope you enjoyed it!

Thanks for doing life with me!

Friday, August 10, 2012

"My friend/family/acquaintance is going through ______. What can I do to help?"

Alright y'all.

This is something I feel led to share.  I don't want to bring condemnation.  I just want to share with you some things I have learned through my journey with cancer...

This post is is going to be titled: 
"My friend/family/acquaintance is going through ______.  What can I do to help?"

Again.  Not trying to be offensive to ANYBODY!  But sometimes, you just don't know what to do!
1.  Don't do something you don't feel led to do.  OR have the grace to do!  This person may not even be capable of saying "Thank You" and you need to be ok with that.
2.  If this situation requires a lot of appointments, gift cards help so much!  Food and especially gas!  And I know some people like to do meals, but sometimes this can be tricky if their kids are fussy eaters or food allergies.
3.  If they are in the hospital for a while, drop off a gift for the them or their child.  A gift brightens any persons day.  Even for a little bit! A great gift for an adult is magazines, word puzzles, or a good book!  If for a child, something they can do sitting in bed.  Littlest Pet Shop, coloring books, or something they can do one handed.  They may have an IV!
4.  SEND FUNNY CARDS!  A good laugh goes a long way.  Sometimes the journey is so long.  And you just need to remember to laugh!  (Thank you Renee!)
5.  If they have other children, or kids in general, DON'T FORGET ABOUT THEM!  Although they are not suffering in the hospital or getting a ton of pokes, they miss their Mom and Dad!  Plus, most likely, Mom and Dad are stressed to the max.  Which makes tempers short, and quality time very sparse.  This one, I feel, is HUGE!  Send them a card as well!  And if you go to visit, talk to them as well!  They need attention, too!

6.  Please don't say, "Let me know if you need anything." I know you heart is in the right place, but they will NEVER ask.  I wish they would, too.  But they won't.  I know for me, I didn't even know what to tell people how to help me!  My suggestions?  Just DO!  Show up at their house and clean it!  Or better yet, get them a gift certificate to have someone come clean their house!  (I got this as a gift, and it was WONDERFUL!)  Send a text and say, "I'm saving Friday to watch your kids, even if not for any reason other than you need a nap!"  Tell them you are doing something on some day.  They might ask for something else, or take you up on your offer!

7.  And the MOST IMPORTANT for last.  Like my dad says, "This is a marathon, not a sprint."  Depending on the situation, this situation my last for YEARS!  Other things may come up.  So, you may not be able to help babysit right now.  Or they are getting bombarded with help.  Don't give up, SAVE IT!  They will most likely need you down the road! Journey with this person you love.  Continue to send cards, years later.  Knowing someone took the time to think of you after the initial shock is INCREDIBLY meaningful.  (Thank you to all that have done this for my family!  I got one last week!  From anonymous!  Totally shocked me and made my day!) 

I don't write this for me or my family.  I write this for the other families that are suffering.  To put words out there for them!  Heck, if you are the person in the situation, share this particular page and say, "This is how you can help me!"  Well, if you agree with me that is.

Thanks for my rant.  I pray it will help somebody!


Monday, August 6, 2012

Man!  Sometimes blogging takes a bit!

One day uploading pictures.  One day cropping them. Another day uploading them.  And TODAY, the post!

Last week, I didn't have a lot of things planned.  So on Thursday, we ended up taking a day at the zoo with my Mom.  The kids had a blast!  Gabby in particular!  She squealed at everything!  It was really fun seeing the zoo through her eyes!  And although that was super fun, after we got home, we realized Laney left her blankie there.  I was SO MAD!  After fighting her about even TAKING it into the zoo!  Thankfully, Jacob came to the rescue, and went back to the zoo and found it!

Super fun!

On Saturday, we went blueberry picking with Yia-Yia!  This is the first year I have done any berry picking with the kids, so it was interesting!  They actually did very well!  Plus, the farm we went to was set up for kids!  With a barrel ride and playground!

 Like most kids, Gabby just kept eating them!

Laney was really proud of her bag of treats!

And on days that we are home.....Introducing Princess Fi-Fi!

And yes, Ike totally loved going along with this!

This next picture, I have titled "defiance".

Do you know why?!  Well, if you can't, Gabby has Laney's pink blankie, and Ike's blue blankie!

On Friday, we had the Rodriguez family over!  It was HOT!  So, I had them wash my van!

And this little naked butt!  She was STILL cleaning when everyone else quit!

And FINALLY!  My parents took Ike to the train show on Saturday.  I had my Mom take some pictures.  I LOVE that Ike is so into trains!

Ike still has not stopped talking about it!  I love it!


Now that is an update in pictures! 
